2diverse provide expert mental health support for autistic people. Many of our clients are older teens or young adults and/or their parents. We work with everyone involved to help them understand and experience what genuinely autism affirming support looks like in practice.
We listen carefully to make sure we understand all our clients’ needs and strengths, as well as the context in which they live and work, and we make every effort to tailor our support accordingly.
*Please note we don’t offer diagnostic assessments but can signpost you to local services who do.
Autistic individuals live in a world that’s designed to suit people who are not autistic. As a result, they face many challenges that are often compounded by a lack of understanding and support from those around them. We therefore encourage all our clients, whatever their neurology, to consider situations from a standpoint that affirms autism and autistic people, and recognises a person’s strengths and capacity to thrive in the right setting. We focus on helping clients deal with their challenges through improving communication and strengthening their key relationships, enhancing mental health and well-being in the process.
2diverse is headed up by Sarah Pagdin, a chartered counselling psychologist with extensive professional and personal experience in the field of mental health and autism. Sarah has a passion for facilitating communication between autistic and non-autistic people whether at home or in the workplace. Sarah is mum to 23 year old Alexis, who works alongside her contributing ideas and insights from their own experience as a young autistic person. Alexis co-presents at training sessions and writes content to share with parents in our membership community and beyond. 2diverse also have many connections within the autistic community and with other professionals working in this field which gives us access to a wide range of resources we can draw on in our work.
2diverse work with clients across the UK and overseas using online platforms for all our consultations. We have found this way of working to be particularly helpful for autistic people who find it difficult to attend appointments in person.
Data Protection and Privacy
We are committed to the protection of your data and privacy. Please click on the link below to see a copy of our Data Protection and Privacy policy. Additional details on how data is managed is available to clients on request.