

Your clients deserve you at your best

Two person talking to each other.

As a therapist, psychiatrist, or other support professional for autistic young people, do you …

  • See parents of autistic teens struggling to support their young people while you feel ill-equipped to help and unsure of where you can signpost them to get the resources they need?
  • Feel stuck and out of your depth with some of your clients, worried you’re not helping, and discouraged about your ability to make a positive difference in their lives?
  • Worry that your service or organisation isn’t as genuinely inclusive or affirming of autistic people as you want it to be, or that autistic people and their families may be finding it hard to access or engage with, and you may be failing to deliver what they need?
Whatever your work context, if you’re looking for ways to be of greater service to your autistic clients and their families, I would love to help. Here are some of the services I offer, and if you want to discuss a more customised approach, please email us.

Specialist individual supervision

Specialist individual supervision can make all the difference to your therapeutic work with autistic clients. Even a single session can be enough to help you get unstuck and “find your feet” again, so you can look forward with confidence to your next client session.

As an ISST accredited Supervisor and Trainer, I can help schema therapists who want to learn how to use this highly specialist therapeutic approach in way that’s genuinely affirming of their autistic clients.

A visual of Supervised individual coaching

Specialist in-house supervision groups

Specialist in-house supervision groups for staff or associates are based on a learning community model that enhances clinical practice and pastoral care, contributes to a more neurodivergent-friendly organisational culture, and strengthens collegial relationships.

A laptop, Coffee and some stationary items on a wooden table

Service reviews/development and consultancy

Service reviews/development and consultancy carried out by someone with both professional expertise and lived experience. As a late-diagnosed autistic person myself, as well as being the parent of an autistic 24-year-old, I bring an unusual and rich combination of professional skills and personal experience to my consultancy work.

A team sitting in room

All my training takes place in a safe and secure group environment and can be commissioned for in-house delivery to your clients/service users.

Organisations may also sponsor or part-fund places on our programmes for parents. In-house training can be tailored to meet your clients’ needs, and can include training for staff members so they can support parents’ learning during—and after—the course.

To learn more about these services, or to discuss bespoke options for you and your clients, email us.

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